It can be hard to see the forest through the trees…
Not for our professional foresters. We buy standing timber from private landowners throughout Indiana, Northwest Ohio and Southern Michigan. The species purchased span a wide variety but our main focus is White Oak, Red Oak, Walnut, Hard Maple, Soft Maple and Poplar. Our professional foresters use a select cutting process in order to ensure sustainable forestry practices that will help preserve the forests for years to come.
The markets served by Dimension Timber include the rotary, lumber, slicer, and pallet industries.
Dimension Timber
PO Box 59
Edon, OH — 43518
Standing Timber Buyers - Southern Ops
Geoff Ellis
(317) 697-6024
Davis Cole
(317) 474-5731
Standing Timber Buyer - Northern Ops
Wyatt Beck
(567) 239-2683
Timber Operations
Mark Tingley
(419) 272-2245
Tanya Whitney
(419) 272-2245